Clear communication is our top priority. Have a question about TalkMeUp? Browse through the FAQs to find the answer.
Is this like Gong or Chorus?
No - not at all. Gong analyzes audio/text to help people understand where a sales call went well or poorly. TalkMeUp analyzes communication effectiveness to make sure you blend critical speaking elements like, voice intonation, audio/text, facial expressions, gestures, and many other factors so you can deliver your message in an impactful way. Gong helps you improve your deal navigation. We help you attract and close more deals.
How does TalkMeUp score my performance?
Utilizing a massive number of industry-based communication scoring methods, we analyze your performance on your delivery and content to sync with best practices for effective message delivery.
How effective is TalkMeUp?
On average, our users see their skills improve by 16% after just 4 practices, and 5 times better long-term improvement when compared to traditional training methods. Each practice takes about 5-10 minutes.
Can I use TalkMeUp with my teams?
Absolutely. TalkMeUp provides you with manager and admin rights to organize your teams according to their reporting structure, gain insights on their performance, share best practices, and coach your team members using actionable communication intelligence.
Can I use TalkMeUp on my mobile phone or tablet?
Yes! TalkMeUp functions across all platforms.
How can I integrate TalkMeUp in my business?
Whether you’re looking for something as simple as a Chrome extension, or need to connect to critical applications or LMSs, we provide various APIs to make using TalkMeUp as easy as possible.
Transform your organization's communication today!